"It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it." - Christian Nevell Bovee

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I've never really been interested in being a career woman.... in fact I've wanted nothing to do with it. I went to college because it was expected and not really because I wanted to. Thats probably why I went to a crappy college.....um....errr ok thats not the reason. The reason was because I didn't want to take the SAT's and National Business College didn't require you to take them, so I went there. I really regret that now, I wish I would have just got off my butt and took the friggin SAT's so I could have gone to a real College or University. OK why am I talking about this again? Oh yea, not much of a career woman, so I went to College for Computer systems management, because I didn't know what else to go for. Nothing really appealed to me at the 'ole business college. After taking about a year of classes for computers, I took and accounting class. I really liked it, so I switched my major to accounting. I was thinking, "hey big bucks!!" But then I realized there is a lot more to accounting then it seems. The laws are constantly changing, taxes, ugh I hated my tax class and I felt like I walked away from those classes having learned nothing. (sadly, that teacher committed suicide shortly after, so there was no going back for extra help from her) So I get my Associates Degree in Accounting and everyone wants me to go back and get my Bachelors Degree, except the thought of signing up for more accounting classes actually sickens me! Blech. So now I'm stuck, half way trained for a profession I'm never going to get a job for.

The past couple of years I've really tried to pay attention to the things I enjoy so I can try to figure out what I could possibly do to make money that I like doing! I love working on my computer, I want to know as much as I can about the internet. I think that is my ticket! Something in computers, I'm considering going back to college for a degree in computers, my original major. *sigh* Well I took an HTML class, and I loved it, but I didn't learn NEARLY enough to actually build a whole website. I need to know Javascript and CSS and more about HTML. I WANT TO KNOW MORE!!! There is not many things out there that I have a thirst for more knowledge about, so I think I should feed this hunger. Another thing I'd love to know more about is making videos on the computer, things with media files, I love that stuff! My only problem is, I get bored with things sometimes. If I can train myself in both jobs, then I can focus on 1 more while I take a break from the other.

Now, I just need to actually sign up for the classes!

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