"It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it." - Christian Nevell Bovee

Monday, March 13, 2006

My Jetta

Well my Jetta decided to call it quits on me last week. The transmission died. It actually happened at the best time though. Mom was coming into pick up McKayla and Jack from school, and on the way in there was a huge accident that held her up. Kelly happened to be in Lynchburg and decided she'd just stay and pick the kids up. So she did. Her and mom went to the ice skating rink and let the kids ice skate until I got out of work. I left work and as I was passing the YMCA, my car stopped responding to my gas pedal. It just quit moving. Well, Holly and Whitney just happened to be getting out of their car at the Y and saw me. So I waved them over there and they helped me push my car out of the street. We got it towed and I took Mom and Dad's Expedition, and mom rode back to Brookneal with Kelly.

The car was towed to the VW dealership and they told me the next morning that I had 3 options.
1.) Get a new transmission which would cost about $3,000.00
2.) Clean the filters and replace the fluids, but it may not fix the problem that would cost about $300.00
3.) There was a guy there who is interested in buying it from us.

So we decided to go with option #2 and see if it fixed it. Well they called me and said they fixed it and drove it up the street and when they pulled back into the dealership the transmission fell. ??? I didn't know the transmission could fall, well anyway it turned out we would have to buy a brand new one. So we decided to sell it to the guy who wants it. He offered us $500, which after the $300 we owe the VW place and the $75 I paid to have it towed I'd only come out of this with about $100. Oh well.

I told dad I was looking into maybe getting a Ford Escape. Well sheesh, dad had been on the internet all weekend looking for a car for me and he found one!! He found a 2005 Ford Escape with only 11,000 miles on it. It's a little pricey, but Mr Inman was able to talk them down I think. I can't remember exactly how much it is but I think it might be about $13,000? Well mom and dad had to go out of town this week. So we can't really go forward in buying it right now, but we do plan to start working out a deal next week. So I'll be getting a new townhouse, getting a new car and soon I will be getting a new husband. SO much is changing for me right now! I'm very happy about it. I can't wait to start driving my new car!!!!!!!!!!!

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