"It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it." - Christian Nevell Bovee

Thursday, February 26, 2009


September 2007??!!!! I am so bad at this!! OK I am going to make an honest effort here, I am going to keep up with this blog! I mean it!

Well Mason will be 2 in May, he has a lot of teeth now. McKayla is 9 and has changed schools twice since I last wrote. We moved from Lynchburg to Williamsburg, and lived in a cute little apartment for a year. She attended DJ Montague. Last October we bought our first house and. I. love. it! She now goes to school at Matoaka, it is such a great school. Parker is working for a company called Branscome. They have been very good to us. Parker has been working for them for a year and a half and they have given him 3 raises/promotions already! We would be set for life if Parker stays there...but I just don't think he loves it, not like the Marine Corps. We'll see. I'm behind him with whatever he decides to do.

I have noticed something about myself over the last few years. I love to love new things, and when I say things, I mean activities. I am constantly finding something new that interests me and I want to learn as much as I can about it and make it a business. But I get bored with it before I ever learn a whole lot about it. But usually not before I spend money on whatever activity or project I'm interested at the moment. Lately, I have been really into Photography. I really hope this one lasts. I really like the idea of having my own photography business.

A couple days ago I took Mason to Colonial Williamsburg and took some pictures. I am really happy with how they turned out. I can see some improvement. I still have some blow outs and hot spots, but I haven't read the chapter on white balance yet in my book. So for now I think I'm excused.

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