"It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it." - Christian Nevell Bovee

Friday, November 06, 2009


OK so I have decided to get rid of my playlist at the bottom of the blog. Instead I will just embed a song every time I post, that way the reader has control over whether they want to hear it or not, rather than it just automatically playing (that can be annoying). The first song I have picked is very appropriate to this post. Go ahead, click play! :)

This post is all about McKayla's surprise Miley Cyrus Concert. I told her Monday that we were having a girls day on Tuesday, since she didn't have school (which actually just worked out that way). But I didn't tell her what we were doing. I did tell her we were going to DC, and she thought it had something to do with the elections, since we voted before we left. haha

We first stopped for Pizza, because eating at a concert is so hard to do with the limited space and it is SO expensive!

We got to the venue and had to park in a parking garage a block away. We walked to the Verizon Center with tons of teens and pre teens and their parents crowding the streets. We stood in line to get into the building, and once we were in and waiting in line for the ticket people she finally said "Are we at a concert?"

This is Metro Station, I know the pictures really stink, but I had my camera on the wrong setting the whole time. I thought I had changed it to the right one, but I didn't realize until I was out in the street that it wasn't. grrr Anyway if you look at the huge screen you can see Mason Musso and his red pants.

This is Miley and Trace Cyrus.

McKayla enjoying the concert. :)

Some pictures of Miley.

Miley flying over the crowd.

Miley flying over the crowd on a motorcycle.

haha McKayla mid-song.

Here are some pictures of us just having fun after we left the concert.

McKayla's new Metro Station shirt. (She also got the Metro Stations CD for free because we bought the shirt!) She has a bigger collection of concert t-shirts than I do!

We passed a frozen yogurt place "Tangy Sweets" and thought maybe we could waste time and eat there while the parking garage emptied out...totally didn't work. We still had to sit in a traffic jam for quite a while. But we didn't care, we rocked out to some Lady Gaga and Metro Station.

Playing with my camera. It didn't exactly turn out the way I was planning, but it was cool enough that I kept it.

And for you viewing pleasure. I snuck my video camera in and took some videos. Sorry it is a little jiggly in some spots, I was trying to be discreet.

And I can't forget...Yankees won the world series!! So here is Mason all Yankee'd out!

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