"It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it." - Christian Nevell Bovee

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

New Moon!

(I don't like the New Moon song as much as Twlights song so I chose that one instead, actually I really think the New Moon soundtrack sucks! It does not compare to the Twilight soundtrack in the least in my opinion.)

As you can see the countdown is over and I have switched my countdown on the right to the eclipse countdown. Parker, McKayla and I went to the midnight showing of New Moon.

I absolutely loved it! I can't wait to own the dvd so I can watch it any time I want. I heard that some people thought it was slow, but I think if you read the books and you knew what was coming you would have been on the edge of your seat! I think it followed the book very closely and they left in all the important parts, which was something that kind of disappointed me with Twilight. Which is funny because I watched the movie first, fell in love with it and then read the books... and fell even more in love with them! Anyway, back to the movie, I loved the wolves, and I loved all the extra fighting scenes they added that were not in the book, with the Volturi. I even think Kristen Stewart did a good job. She can definitely play depressed good. I just wish she could play happy better.

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