"It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it." - Christian Nevell Bovee

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mason Funnies

It's Mason's turn. And since this is Mason's day I'll use his favorite song.

I'm Sexy And I Know It by LMFAO on Grooveshark

Yes. That is his favorite song. :(

So Mason was outside playing with Lexi and Gabe, a couple of neighborhood kids today. Lexi is 10 years old, and Gabe is 6, Mason, unfortunately, is 4 almost 5, so he's the youngest in the group.

Mason told me tonight that they told him they had a sleepover a couple of nights ago, and played xbox, and got ice cream and did all these fun things that would make Mason wish he had been there. So obviously I knew they were lying and were just being mean. I told Mason "They did NOT have a sleepover." Lexi is way to old to be having a sleepover with Gabe not to mention she's a girl and Gabe is a boy. "Their parents wold not let them have a sleepover." Then I started to say "They only told you that because they were trying to make you jealous." But I only got to "They only told you that because they were trying to-" before Mason cuts me off and says "BREAKED MY HEART!"

BWAHAHAHAHA McKayla and I burst into laughter. Breaked my heart? Oh Mason, so dramatic.

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